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Our love for logos and corporate identities can barely be put into words. This is, in fact, the discipline it all started with - more than a decade ago - at De Barbaren. No wonder we have become experts at it by now. And that is a must, because branding is the core of your brand’s visual identity. Given today’s visual mindset, that is not a luxury. On the contrary!


Why your brand needs branding

A strong visual brand identity is like leaving a good impression at a job interview: the first and indispensable step toward a successful story. Toward top of mind. With a customized logo, distinctive colors and typography, and consistent corporate identity guides, your brand takes shape in your customer's mind. Branding is the visualization of your values and character.

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But what exactly is branding?

“Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organizations, companies, products or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help people to quickly identify and experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the competition’s, by clarifying what this particular brand is and is not.” — The Branding Journal

In other words: we make your brand recognizable and trustworthy. A visual identity distinguishes your brand from competing brands and makes people intuitively sense what you stand for. A strong brand identity is like leaving a good first impression at a job interview: the first and essential step towards a successful story.

Time for an update?

Investing in branding is investing in the future. Starting your brand story from zero? In that case we set out from a blank canvas. In a preliminary meeting we talk things through and discuss all aspects, from the broader framework to creative inspiration. Afterwards, we start our research and draw up various proposals, which we bundle in an extensive and substantiated presentation.

Are you also in need of name creation? We are happy to help you with that, prior to starting the branding process. You already have a corporate identity but need rebranding? We are well-experienced in that field too. Like always, there is no ready-made answer, so we gladly think along with a view to the goals you have set. Not sure whether rebranding is the answer to your question? We listen to your story and advise you in the right direction.


Time for a rebranding?

Investing in branding is investing in the future. Regularly checking whether that future hasn't caught up with your corporate identity is therefore a must. Do you already have a visual identity, but notice that it needs an update? Then rebranding is the way to go. Thanks to rebranding, we can appeal to that new target group, or distinguish your brand from that one competitor.

Not sure if rebranding answers your question? Fox, our resident blogger, is happy to explain it to you.

Looking for the ideal partner for your (re)branding? We have expertise in surplus.


“I can’t be anything but positive! From the very first meeting, this young bunch of highly-motivated professionals have helped us a lot in developing my brand/company. Now, I couldn’t imagine a life without De Barbaren anymore.”
— Thijs Beddeleem, El Vagabundo


Looking for your ideal partner in branding? We have expertise galore.

Let’s work together