
1. Introduction

De Barbaren BV (“we”, “us”, “our”, “Barbaren”, “De Barbaren”) do everything to ensure that our website ("") is completely safe for you. We understand that you want the personal information you provide to us to be kept both private and secure, and this privacy policy explains how we will use the personal information you provide us and how we ensure that it is stored securely. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you do not agree, please contact us at or +32 (0) 93361105 before using this website. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Check this page to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

“De Barbaren” respects the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act is the Act of 8 December 1992 for the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data. This law wants to protect citizens against misuse of personal data. Both the rights and obligations of the person whose data is being processed and the rights and obligations of the processor are determined in the Privacy Act.

De Barbaren BV
Begijnhoflaan 408 – 9000 Ghent
Registered office: ’s Heer Boudewijnsburg 66, 8310 Bruges

2. Collection of data

We collect personal data in a number of situations. When you sign up for our mailing list, we ask for your name and e-mail address. We also collect the personal information that you provide when you contact us, when you register for one of our events or when requesting a quote. Finally, we keep an overview of the messages that you send us by e-mail.
We collect customer information in Teamleader, our CRM system. There we store the customer name, NAWTE data (name, address, website, telephone number, e-mail). In addition, we also store your business and billing information and invoices. Contact details provided by exchanging business cards or by telephone contact can be saved.

If you use our website, please note that we may also register the parts of the website that you visit and information about your computer. Such as the browser used, your network location, the type of connection you use (eg broadband, ASDL, etc.) and your IP address. We do this by using cookies (although the information we collect through our cookies remains anonymous, so we cannot tell who you are). See our Cookie Policy below for more information about what a cookie is and how we use it on our website.

3. Use of data

Except as set out in this paragraph, we will never sell, exchange or disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent. For example, this information allows us to tailor more accurate ads to you. We may disclose your personal information when we believe that it is appropriate to comply with the law or to maintain our terms of use or to protect our rights, property or security or other third parties. We may share your personal information with organizations acting on our behalf and who only use the information to provide that service.
The main reason why we use the information we collect about you is to keep you informed of novelties, offer better customer service, administrative purposes and for tracking activities on

4. Transfer of your data to countries outside the EEA

We will not disclose your personal data to parties who are not in the EEA unless necessary for the business activities you desire from us. It is possible that those countries outside the EEA do not have the same data protection legislation as in the EEA and your personal data are not equally protected. In these cases, however, we ensure that any transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA is accompanied by adequate protection measures as if the data were to be processed within the EEA and in accordance with the principles of this Privacy policy.

5. Marketing

We would like to provide you with information about our (accomplished) services that we think is interesting to you. We may send you such information by mail, e-mail and/or phone unless you have asked us not to do so.
If you are a customer of ours or if you have previously asked us for information and/or services, we may send you information by e-mail. However, in any marketing e-mail we send you, we give you the opportunity to completely opt out of our mailings.

We do not provide your personal information to external organizations without your express consent.
If you do not want your information to be used for direct marketing purposes, please contact us at or +32(0)93361105. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from us, use the sign-out form at the bottom of one of our marketing e-mails or on

6. Requesting & customizing your personal data

You have the legal right to access and any correction of your personal data. If proof of identity (copy id) you can obtain the written, dated and signed application to De Barbaren / Balder Martens, Begijnhoflaan 408, B-9000 Ghent,, free of charge the written status of your personal data. If necessary, you may also ask to correct the data that would be incorrect, not complete or not pertinent.

7. Your rights

You have a number of rights related to your personal data and what happens to them. You have the right to:

  • Access your data and look into it. You can also see how your data is processed.
  • After access to certain personal data that to improve, supplement or delete.
  • Be completely erased from all systems and databases.
  • To file a complaint with the Privacy Committee when you find that your personal data is unlawfully collected and processed.
  • Withdraw your consent and oppose the processing of your data.
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data (temporarily).
  • Transfer your personal data to another person responsible.
  • To have automatic profiling turned off and to oppose decisions based on automated processing.

8. Links and our marketing e-mail messages sometimes contain links to other websites that are not under our control. Our privacy policy applies only to, not on these other websites. Once you have left our website or marketing e-mails, we cannot be held responsible for the content and/or protection and privacy you provide to those websites. You should be careful and look at the privacy policy applicable to the relevant website.

9. Safety

We think the security of your personal data is very important. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we keep your data on a secure server and appropriate security measures have been taken to try to prevent changes, loss or misuse of data under our control. If you suspect at any time or become aware of a security incident (i.e. you receive suspicious communication from someone who excludes himself as an employee of De Barbaren or a dupe website who claims to be affiliated with De Barbaren), send the communication to us or report the incident via e-mail via or writing to De Barbaren / Balder Martens, Begijnhoflaan 408, B-9000 Gent.

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We can update this Privacy Policy at any time. We will let you know if we make important changes, but we recommend that you consult this Privacy Policy regularly so that you are aware of the latest version.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 22 July 2024.


The Website ( uses cookies. These can be cookies of our own (first-party cookies) or cookies from third parties whose services may be used on this Website (third-party cookies). This Cookie Policy informs you about the use of these cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences at any given moment via your browser. You can find a manual for your browser down below (4. How can I manage/delete cookies?). You can revoke your permission for the placement of these cookies, at any time and even if you had already given permission for these cookies to be placed. We would like to remind you that if you don’t accept some of our cookies, your user experience might be influenced.

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that the Website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the Website. Information is stored in this text file. When you revisit the website later, this information is sent to our servers or third parties. That way the Website can recognize your browser and make sure that you can use it according to your personal preferences.

Considering cookies are personal data, its processing is governed by our Privacy Policy (see above). The processing of functional cookies is based on our legitimate interest, since the functional cookies are required for the proper functioning and security of the Website. The other cookies will not be placed unless the Website has received your permission.

2. How are cookies classified?

2.1. Origin

  • First-party cookies are cookies that are placed directly on the Website by De Barbaren.
  • Third-party cookies are cookies that are placed on the Website by others, because De Barbaren incorporates elements of those other websites into their own.

2.2. Lifespan

  • Permanent cookies: these stay on your computer or mobile device until the cookies expires. They become activated every time you visit the Website.
  • Session cookies: these simplify and link the actions of the user together during a browser session. Every time you open a browser screen, these cookies are placed temporarily. Session cookies are deleted when the browser is closed.

2.3. Function/purpose

A. Functional cookies

Functional cookies make sure that every part of the Website functions optimally. These are cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website. These cookies can be places without your permission.

B. Non-functional cookies

This type of cookies is placed for statistical, social and commercial purposes and are independent from the technical support of the Website. That means that they do not meet the conditions to be exempted from the consent requirement. Your explicit consent is required for the placement of these cookies.

  • Analytical cookies: these show how you use the Website. Based on this collected information, a statistical analysis is made to make the structure, navigation and content of the Website more user-friendly and to improve it.
  • Marketing cookies: the online advertising offer is personalized via marketing cookies. Based on a profile, based on your click and surf behavior on the Website, both the Website and third parties gain insight into the campaign performance. This also includes social media cookies. You can share the articles and videos that you view on the Website via buttons via social media. For the functioning of these buttons, cookies from social media networks are used, so that they recognize you when you want to share an article or video. In addition, social media networks also place cookies when we integrate their content into our articles, for example when an Instagram movie is loaded.

If social networking sites place these cookies through our Website to collect (your) data, De Barbaren has no influence on the use of and the way in which they handle this data. You can find more information about this in the privacy statements of the social networking sites, which are each time specified in the list of active cookies below. Keep in mind that these privacy statements can be changed at any time by the social networking sites.

3. Which cookies does De Barbaren use?

3.1. Functional cookies – first-party cookies

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. These cookies can be placed without permission. Therefore, you cannot refuse them if you want to visit the website.

frontend_language1 monthThe user’s preferred language.Saves the preferred language of the user so you don’t have to re-enter this every time you visit the Website.
interface_language1 monthThe user’s preferred language.Saves the preferred language of the user so you don’t have to re-enter this every time you visit the Website.
cookieconsent_status1 yearDismissHides the cookie bar.
Track1 yearUnique user IDTracking of the user flow.

This session cookie is used by PHP as standard when communicating between the web server and the browser. Every visitor receives a unique and automatic ID from PHP. PHP is a programming language that is used in communication between your browser and the web server on which our website is published. You cannot read our website without this communication.

3.2. Non-functional cookies: analytical cookies – third-party cookies

The Website uses Google Analytics and Google Tagmanager. These cookies record how often you visit the Website, which search engine and search words you use, which link you click on, and how long you visit the Website. This data allows us to compile statistics with which we can gain insight into the way people use the Website, so that we can improve its structure and content. You can disable these cookies by surfing to

You can refuse these cookies if you want to visit the Website.

_ga2 yearsUser identificationUsed to distinguish users from each other.
_gat1 year1Used to throttle the request rate.
_gid24 hoursTracks the path you follow through the website.Analysis of website visits.
__umta2 yearsThe number of times you visit the website, when your first visit was and when your last visit was.Analysis of website visits.
__utmv2 yearsCustom variable data that is stored at user level.Analysis of website visits.
__utmz6 monthsThrough wich way the user entered the Website (for example via Facebook or Google search).Analysis of website visits.

The Website also uses the Hotjar tracking tool. These cookies are used to track and analyze the surfing behavior of visitors to the Website. This data allows us to compile statistics with which we can gain insight into the way people use the Website, so that we can improve its structure and content. You can disable these cookies by surfing to

You can refuse these cookies if you want to visit the Website.

_hjid1 yearThis cookie is set when the customer first arrives on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to retain the Hotjar user ID, unique to that site in the browser. This ensures that behavior on subsequent visits to the same site is attributed to the same user ID.Analysis of website visits.

The Website also uses the Segment tracking tool. These cookies are used to track and analyze the surfing behavior of visitors to the Website. This data allows us to compile statistics with which we can gain insight into the way people use the Website, so that we can improve its structure and content.

You can refuse these cookies if you want to visit the Website.

ajs_user1 yearThis cookie helps to track visitor usage, events, target marketing and can also measure the performance and stability of applications.Analysis of website visits.
ajs_anonymous_id1 yearKeeps track of whether you are visiting the website for the first or the umpteenth time.Analysis of website visits. Keeps track of how many unique visits the Website receives.
ajs_group1 yearTracks the use and events on the Website.Analysis of website visits.

The Website also uses the Optimizely optimization tool. These cookies are used to track and analyze the surfing behavior of visitors to the Website. This data allows us to compile statistics with which we can gain insight into the way people use the Website, so that we can improve its structure and content.

You can refuse these cookies if you want to visit the Website.

optimizelyEndUserId6 monthsCombination of a time stamp and a random number. This cookie does not use any other personal data. Unieke identificatie per bezoeker toevoegen, om de websitewerking te optimaliseren door analyse.To add a unique identification per user, in order to optimize and analyze the Website.

3.3. Non-functional cookies: marketing cookies – third-party cookies

The Website uses marketing cookies originating from third parties, in function of targeting and advertising. These cookies use your personal data and surfing behavior to make better ads and target you personally.

Cookies placed by Facebook and the Facebook pixel:

fr3 monthsSaves information on the Facebook-user that is logged in.Targeting/advertising.
sb965 daysBrowser information.Authentication/login.
datr2 yearsBrowser ID.Security and integrity of the Website.
trSessionAnonymous data on the user’s visit to the Website, such as the number of visits, time spent, which pages were visited …Targeting/advertising.
_fbp90 daysUsed to deliver a number of advertising products, such as real time bidding by third party advertisers.Targeting/advertising.
_fbc90 daysThis cookie is only set if you enter the website via Facebook.Targeting/advertising.

Cookies placed by Google Adwords and Google Adsense:

CONSENT18 yearsDetects if the user accepted the marketing cookies.Necessary for the GDPR-compliance of the Website.
NID6 monthsUnique ID that identifies the user's device.Targeting/advertising.
ANID2 yearsKeeps track of recent search queries, earlier interactions with ads or search results from an advertiser and your visits to the advertiser’s website.Targeting/advertising. This cookie allows Google to adjust advertisements shown on Google Sites, such as Google Search.
IDE1 yearUsed by Google DoubleClick to track users after clicking on an ad.Targeting/advertising. Mesuring and optimizing ads and making targeting possible.
SSID1 yearInformation on how the user uses the Website and which ads the user might have seen before visiting the Website.Targeting/advertising.
_gcl_au7 daysInformation on the efficiency of an ad throughout the websites that use Google Adsense.Targeting/advertising.

Cookies placed by LinkedIn and the LinkedIn Insight Tag:

UserMatchHistory30 daysThis cookie is used to track users and show them more relevant ads.Targeting/advertising.
bcookie2 yearsBrowser ID cookie. This cookie is used to track users and show them more relevant ads.Targeting/advertising.
bscookie2 yearsSecure browser ID cookie. This cookie is used to track users and show them more relevant ads.Targeting/advertising.
langSessionRemember the user’s selected language version of a website.Targeting/advertising.
lidc1 dayUsed for routing.Targeting/advertising.



4. How can I manage/delete cookies?

4.1. Browser settings

You can refuse the installation of cookies via your browser settings. More information about disabling cookies or managing the cookie settings for your browser can be found in the following list:

Are you using a different browser? Then check whether the procedure for your browser is mentioned on the website www.allaboutcookies /

4.2. Deleting cookies

You can also delete already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device at any time.

4.3. Disabling marketing cookies

If you want to disable or refuse marketing cookies (from Google and so on), you can do so via http://www.youronlinechoices.c...

If you do not want to receive advertising based on your surfing behavior and remarketing cookies, such as those from Google, you can change the settings of the Google Ads Preferences Manager. Google also recommends installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
The following link contains additional information about how you can manage what information is shared by your web browser when you interact with Google services on third-party websites and apps:

4.4. More information

You can find more information on cookies on Do you wish to receive more information on privacy and online advertising? Surf to

  • YouTube (
  • Vimeo (
  • Spotify (
  • Google (
  • Campaign Monitor ( &

4.5. Changes to this Cookie Policy

We can change this Cookie Policy at any moment. We advise you to check this Cookie Policy regularly, so you are aware of the most recent version.

This Cookie Policy was last updated on 22 July 2024.