VGD's Enroute

20231124 Enroute Case 90
VGD's Enroute Read all about it: VGD launched a brand new and inspiring magazine, for and by entrepreneurs. One that can be seen and read, even if we say so ourselves!

Name branding

Hot off the press: Here comes Enroute! The magazine aligns seamlessly with the tagline "VGD, your compass for entrepreneurial success." VGD aims to guide businesses toward success, and through Enroute, it aspires to inspire with the narratives of successful entrepreneurs.

Numerous options emerged from our creative and strategic brainstorming sessions. The potential names underwent a field test, appearing on the cover. Enroute emerged as the ultimate choice, perfectly encapsulating and resonating with VGD's mission.

Nulnummer visual

Art Direction and design of the zero issue

Enroute's style was crafted from scratch, with careful consideration given to the art direction. The design process for the inaugural issue commenced with the creation of a mood board, incorporating examples of styles, colors, typography, and imagery. Various layouts for distinct sections were developed and subsequently presented to the VGD team for feedback.

Furthermore, the graphic style was elevated by the inclusion of exquisite illustrations by Flore Deman. These illustrations serve as the final embellishment, imparting a distinctive and upscale character to Enroute.

Creation of the inaugural edition

Enroute's style underwent careful consideration and scrutiny through multiple interactive meetings and feedback sessions. After refining the style through this iterative process, it was time to embark on the creation of the first issue! We delved into compelling interviews, captivating images (details to follow), and engaging advertisements.



VGD entrusted the photography and post-processing entirely to our team. This approach was taken to guarantee consistency in both style and imagery, thereby strengthening and solidifying the magazine's identity.

By utilizing a mood board, we formulated the photography style, crafting a dynamic blend of lifestyle, portraits, and reportage. Our conscious effort was directed at capturing images brimming with personality, providing readers with an authentic glimpse into the genuine lives of the interviewees.

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Several renowned entrepreneurs sat in front of our lens, among them Edouard Vermeulen of Natan and the entrepreneurs behind Generation WOW.

Magazine visual

Printing instructions: selection of paper and proofing process

With the selection of paper, we brought all the elements together. Following numerous proofs at Buroform printers in Mechelen, Enroute received official approval for printing.

Magazine visual
Magazine visual2

The first issue of Enroute is now a reality! A total of 6,000 copies have been produced. Thank you for the trust, VGD!

Also in need of a complete rebranding? We are happy to work with you!

Let's talk!